Media & Press Information

For media inquiries, please contact:

Steph Hauser, Founder and Executive Director


In the News:

The Mandy Connell Podcast (KOA Radio): Stephanie Hauser - A Mom Running for Preemies

Colorado Parent: Fresh Mindset: Steph Hauser

Our News:

Podcast Appearances:

The Zev Project - Where you can find our whole story (and the ones that came after it), plus details about our “Tell Me What’s Good.” approach, starting with Season One

“Tell Me What’s Good”: A Life Philosophy with Steph Hauser - Unlocked with Krista & Phil Franks (March 2, 2023)

A Conversation with Collaborist Stephanie Hauser - Collaborcast (March 2, 2022)

Stephanie Hauser: Pausing in the Chaos - Why Not Now? with Amy Jo Martin (December 7, 2019)